Friday, December 27, 2019

NCAA Recruiting Ethics Essay - 1239 Words

College recruiting is something that was created for the good of college sports, but is often used for such unethical actions that will make anyone with a soul cringe. In 2004, University of Colorado’s athletic department used alcohol, drugs, and sex to lure recruits during official campus visits (Gerdy). These actions are immoral on a number of levels, and should not be tolerated. If this type of behavior continues to be seen in college sports, then serious changes need to be made. Illegal recruiting that takes place in NCAA athletics is unethical, gives colleges unfair advantages, and jeopardizes player’s eligibility. First, illegal recruiting in NCAA athletics is tremendously unethical. â€Å"The extremely high stakes of recruiting can†¦show more content†¦No matter how dishonest it may be, there are immoral people in this world who will sacrifice everything for success. Then again, what is success when it is not earned? Secondly, there are many different NCAA recruiting infractions that can lead to severe punishment. These punishments are not only for the coaches but for the illegally recruited players as well. There are certain criteria that decide what is and is not illegal, but some might not seem as severe as one might think. For example, the NCAA defines illegal contact as any face-to-face meeting between a coach and athlete as anything more than saying â€Å"hello† (Disalvo 69). Although this may seem to be a bit drastic, it makes it obvious to the players and coaches exactly what rules and guidelines to follow. Also, even though young athletes may not know at the time, th eir eligibility is put in jeopardy when the colleges that recruit them are not following NCAA rules (60). This, in some players’ eyes, is as unfair as because they may feel that they should not be penalized for something that they did not know about. However, it is the player’s responsibility to understand and comply with all NCAA rules and regulations, therefore it is their fault. Overall, cheating in NCAA athletics includes actions that violate regulations of sport governing organizations, such as those dealing with recruiting and eligibility (Shulman). With everything in theShow MoreRelatedProfessional Ethical Theory And Practice1126 Words   |  5 PagesAn Issue of Ethics Professional ethical theory and practice become the distance from one to another that explore new modes for business, as for other professions. The conventional approaches of professional ethics are concerned with telling people how they ought to behave. These questions include what is one’s moral obligation? What ought we to do? What is our duty? What is the ultimate principle of moral right and wrong? (Blackburn McGhee, 2004). 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

How Fraud in the Financial Markets Influence Government...

Millions of people in today’s society entrust their money to various financial markets in an attempt to seek high returns or gains for taking certain risks or even simply creating nest eggs so they can take advantage when their [retirement] day comes. Whether you are investing for short term gains or planning for retirement, a risk is certainly what is being taken when investing your hard earned money. Investors should certainly make informed decisions regarding investment opportunities and heavily scrutinize all potential investments. Unfortunately, as we have seen in recent history with Enron and Bernie Madoff, there are companies and/or individuals that are among us trying to take advantage of what they feel is an opportunity to make†¦show more content†¦Financial fraud has become an uncontainable phenomenon, which influences government and other regulatory authorities to create or impose stricter regulations in order to deter the possibility of other and/or simila r financial scandals. Financial Fraud has been devastating the financial market of America since â€Å"1792, only a few years after America officially became a nation† (Beattie, n.d.). Moreover, financial fraud has been a global issue dating recording as far back as 300 B.C.; when a Greek merchant purchased a large insurance policy and obtained a loan to ship corn, with plans to keep the funds from the loan, cash in on the insurance proceeds for sinking the boat and keeping the corn, but he drowned trying to escape the furious crew that caught wind of his plot (Beattie, n.d.). As you can see, financial fraud has really been around since very early on and continues to plague our world with the many different forms that financial fraud takes on. In the United States, as mentioned previously, financial fraud has been around since approximately 1792, with the first recorded instance of an insider trading scandal, where investors were tipped off, by a man by the name of William Duer, regarding news that determined which way a bonds value would go. Since then, different types of financial scandals with big named players such as J.P. Morgan and Ulysses S. Grant surfaced and have all created their own dent in theShow MoreRelatedAffirmative Adaptation And Modernize Resulting From The Scandal1493 Words   |  6 Pagesnevertheless the actions of this deception let to Varity major future benefits. The effects of Enron without a doubt are primarily disadvantageous. However, although Enron has made illegal and unethical choices the company has paid the ultimate penalty by â€Å"Declared bankruptcy on December 2, 2001 after restating earnings in the 3rd-quarter 10-Q, indicating major problems with special-purpose entities. Investigatio ns by the SEC, Justice Department, and others; executives indicted and class-action lawsuitsRead MoreFailure And Fraud Of Enron1161 Words   |  5 Pagescharacteristics such as failure and fraud that have been linked through time. However, although failure and fraud are connected in several various ways, one tends to come before the other. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

American Pop Culture free essay sample

Television is a major trend because it influences how we view society today. Long gone are the days of wholesome family sitcoms such as Happy Days and Lavender and Shirley, we know have Family Guy, The Office, and reality shows. The language and situations used in these programs today would not have been acceptable, and probably would have been banned, a couple decades ago. Fashion is a trend that is always changing. These changes can occur due to the influences of the popular celebrities and musicians that society holds in gig regard.American popular culture has a significant influence on personal decision making. In todays society we are surrounded by advertisements, celebrities, magazines and web sites which show us how we should dress, how much we should weigh, how to wear our hair, what car we should drive, what we should eat and drink and so on. It is part of our human nature to want to fit in. We will write a custom essay sample on American Pop Culture or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When faced with a decision, we are most apt to decide with the most popular trends of our time. We choose products and services that we have been exposed to in our daily life. American Pop Culture free essay sample Culture is the learned behavior of our society. This may include knowledge, beliefs, values, customs, art, entertainment, and the way we act, feel or think about our surroundings. Popular culture is a shared knowledge and behaviors of a society at a specific time. It Is widespread and generally accepted by most people. Three major trends In American pop culture are music, television, and fashion. The music listened to at a specific time is the voice of that generation expressing themselves. The asss had disco, the asss had new wave and big hair bands, and the gs had pop, rap and grunge bands.Television is a major trend because it influences how we view society today. Long gone are the days of wholesome family sitcoms such as Happy Days and Lavender and Shirley, we know have Family Guy, The Office, and reality shows. The language and situations used in these programs today would not have been acceptable, and probably would have been banned, a couple decades ago. We will write a custom essay sample on American Pop Culture or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Fashion Is a trend that is always changing. These changes can occur due to the Influences of the popular celebrities and musicians that society holds In sigh regard.American popular culture has a gallants Influence on personal decision making. In todays society we are surrounded by advertisements, celebrities, magazines and web sites which show us how we should dress, how much we should weigh, how to wear our hair, what car we should drive, what we should eat and drink and so on. It is part of our human nature to want to fit in. When faced with a decision, we are most apt to decide with the most popular trends of our time. We choose products and services that we have been exposed to in our daily life.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Essay Examples on Immigrants Essay Example

Essay Examples on Immigrants Paper 1st Essay Sample on Immigrants ? °How can you describe Americans ±When the question is asked, foreigners describe Americans with the blonde hair, blue eyes and white skin.But when the same question is asked to Americans, they cannot find right words to describe Americans because they feel that the face of America is changing.A person with blonde hair, blue eyes and white skin is not only defined as Americans.Instead people with black hair, dark skin or even with different background are also found as Americans.It is because immigrants were born in America or they are getting used to being in America and now Americans are becoming the melting pot.Over many years, many immigrants have come to the United States for a better life.This immigration has given much confusion of defining ? °America? ± and this confusion holds some positive and negative points of view. Many Americans think that immigrants are problems.Governor Richard Lamm indicates one of the problems is that now some Americans are unemployed beca use America is taking as twice many immigrants as the rest of the world (Fallows, 5).Americans feel that they are being unemployed due to the many immigrants.Harold Ezell, Western commissioner of the INS, agrees with Lamm that not only legal immigrants but also illegal immigrants are taking American childrens jobs (? °The Changing Face of America? ± 143) because so many people want to come to the United States for the better life.The Census Bureau estimated that about 3.5 to 6 million people were illegal residents in 1978 (? °The Changing Face of America? ± 142) and some Americans feel that illegal residents are taking jobs away from them.So, Lamm points out that we can no longer allow every immigrants to come to the United States.He also indicates that America does not want additional people because America cannot employ their own citizens (Fallows, 4). 2nd Essay Sample on Immigrants According to the United States Census Bureau, Immigration (migration to a country) is one component of international migration; the other component is emigration (migration from a country).International migration is defined as any movement across a national border; in its simplest form.The term foreign- born population is used by the United States Census Bureau to refer to a person who is not a U.S. citizen at birth, which includes legal permanent residents (immigrants), temporary migrants (such as students), humanitarian migrants (such as refugees), and persons illegally present in the United States.The U.S. resident population is made up of the foreign-born native populations.When referring to the native population we include anyone born in the United States or a U.S. Island area such as, Puerto Rico, or born abroad of a U.S. citizen parent. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on Immigrants specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on Immigrants specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on Immigrants specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In March 1996 9.3 percent of the U.S. population were foreign-born.During this century, the percentage that was foreign born declined from a high 14.1 percent in 1910,to a low 4.8 percent in 1970.That percentage has increased quickly, since then.In the 1980s 34.3 percent of immigrants entered the United States.In 1990, more than a quarter of the foreign- born population came in this country.38 percent of the foreign-born have been in the United States for more than fifteen years.There are million of foreign born people in the United States, but is it hard to become a citizen in the United States? I gave a survey to fifty immigrants from ten different countries.Twenty-five of the people surveyed were over the age of forty.Out of those people 100 percent of them said that they came to this country to make a better life for their children.They said that the education and job opportunities were better.Out of the other twenty-five people, 75 percent said they were brought to the United St ates by their parents when they were young.